Racial disparities in child welfare and a disproportionate over-representation of Black children in foster care, unfortunately, have deep roots in Black history. Decades of data tell us that [...]
As a parent or caregiver, it’s heartbreaking and frustrating to wait for mental and behavioral health services a child desperately needs. The lack of providers or access to mental health services [...]
“If a securely attached child were removed from a securely attached parent and went through the same visitation process as a child in foster care–that child would experience the same post-visit [...]
Heart racing. Rapid breathing. Stomach gurgling. Pupils dilated. Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that triggers our body’s stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. When we [...]
If you’ve learned about trauma, you may be familiar with the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). These negative experiences increase the risk of developing chronic health problems and [...]
When starting the adoption process, it can be easy to get caught up in the logistics and planning: paperwork, background checks, home visits, training requirements, and a variety of other [...]
The holiday season is a time of joy, wonder, and family traditions. For many, it’s a season filled with excitement and anticipation. However, for children in foster care, adoptive homes, [...]
In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, the Coalition invites you to check out newly added titles available through our resource library. Some of the new materials include: A Child of [...]
November is National Adoption Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about adoption and bringing attention to the need for adoptive families for teens currently in foster care. According to [...]
We sometimes spend life wondering what could have been. What would my life have been like if I hadn’t had that fight with my sister that led to her disappearing from my life? What would it be [...]