As a writer, the blank page can be intimidating and scary. When I’m writing to you, though, the fear comes from a completely different place.

What words do I use to show such generous people all the amazing things their gifts do?

That is the question in my mind as I begin this quarterly letter to you. It can feel challenging at times, to try to explain how your donations make a difference in the space in which we work. I can’t easily put a dollar amount on what will help a new foster parent feel confident and prepared. I can’t tell you how much is needed to give emotional strength to a grandparent raising their grandchild. And there isn’t a tangible figure that will fund resilience in parents working toward reunifying with their children.

But those are all of the things your gifts do.

Because of you, Joshua feels like the process is “a little bit easier.”

Because of you, Carol received reassurance to re-ignite her “passion for championing.”

Because of you, Ashley knows there is a place that “truly wants to bring families and children together by having honest conversations about the process and what to expect.”

Because of you, I believe we will reach a day when every child has a strong, confident, and resilient family and every family has the support and resources they need.


All my best,

Jenna Czaplewski
Director of Communications