Supporting Your Child While Waiting for Mental Health Services: A Caregiver’s Guide

As a parent or caregiver, it’s heartbreaking and frustrating to wait for mental and behavioral health services a child desperately needs. The lack of providers or access to mental health services in certain regions can make waitlists very long. However, there are things you can do to support the child and feel productive while you’re waiting.

With the Child’s Doctor/Pediatrician:

  • Request an appointment for the child to have a mental health screening.
  • Keep detailed documentation outlining your concerns.
  • Contact the child’s pediatrician in various ways—virtually, via email, or via phone call.

At School:

  • Reach out to the child’s school psychologist or guidance counselor. Share your concerns and observations.
  • Ask about any additional support the school can offer.
  • Maintain open communication and share pertinent information with the school staff, specifically the child’s teacher. Let them know what you’re observing and behaviors to be aware of. Ask the child’s teacher to document anything they notice.


  • While waiting for the child’s appointment/services, ask the therapist you were referred to for suggestions on what to do in the meantime—podcasts, books, online support.
  • Some therapists or counselors offer virtual appointments. This may widen your search and access to more providers.
  • Look into therapy groups, either virtual or in-person.

At Home:

  • Make sure to keep detailed and accurate documentation.
  • Connect with other parents who are going through similar experiences. Be mindful of what you share, but it’s important for you to have support and connection as well.
  • Set routines and structure. This can help everyone in the household manage the increased stress or anxiety they may be feeling.
  • Look at other supports that may be in your community.

Navigating this waiting period can be challenging, but remember that the Coalition is here for you.

Recommended Resources:

Tip Sheets

Training From Champion Classrooms

Additional Resources